Tucano  0.1
A library for rapid prototyping with modern OpenGL and GLSL
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBlurredNormalMapRenders a mesh using a normal map as colors
 CDirectColorRenders a mesh without illumination, using directly vertex color
 CGradientFilterA simple Sobel filter for image processing
 CMeanFilterA simple mean filter for image processing
 CNormalMapRenders a mesh using a normal map as colors
 COrenNayarRenders a mesh using a Oren-Nayar BRDF shader
 CPhongRenders a mesh using a Phong shader
 CPhongShadowmapRenders a mesh using a Phong shader and a shadow map
 CPickingPicks a 3D position from screen position
 CRenderBufferA simple effect to render a buffer without any interpolation
 CRenderTextureA simple effect to render a texture
 CToonRenders a mesh using a Toon shader
 CWireframeRenders a mesh with wireframe edges and flat faces in a single pass
 CBaseBase class for GUI, contains all elements and handles viewport and rendering transformations
 CButtonThe button class draws a clickable rectangle on the screen to be used as a callback interface
 CElementBase class for all GUI elements (buttons, sliders ...)
 CGroupBoxThe gui group box is just a placeholder for other gui elements. It can be used to group elements, so they can be moved or hidden together for example Visually it is also a protected clickable area, to avoid mis-clicking the elements
 CLabelA simple label to hold text or similar it has no callbacks, it is just a placeholder for rendering a texture
 CSelectButtonThe button class draws a clickable rectangle on the screen to be used as a callback interface The select button toggles between pressed and not pressed when clicked
 CSelectGroupThe gui select group is a placeholder for many selection buttons, so only one can be active at a time Note, to visually group the buttons, you can use a groupbox and insert the selectgroup into the groupbox
 CSliderThe slide class draws a dragable cursor over a bar
 CArrowA rounded arrow shape defined by a arrow and a cone
 CBoxA simple box with bounded limits
 CCameraRepCamera visual representation
 CConeA simple cone shape
 CCoordinateAxesVisual representation of a 3D coordinate axes
 CCylinderA simple cylinder shape
 CPlaneA simple plane with bounded limits
 CQuadA simple unitary quad
 CSphereA simple sphere shape
 CAtomicBufferAn Atomic Buffer object (inherited from BufferObject)
 CBufferObjectA buffer object (i.e. ShaderStorageBuffer)
 CCameraDefines an abstract camera with a projection and view matrices
 CDirectionalTrackballA directional trackball, useful for light direction for example
 CEffectHolder for Shaders. It is completely optional, but is contains a few methods for convenience, and is extremely useful to organize shaders belonging to a single effect (such as multipass strategies)
 CFlycameraFlythrough camera class for manipulating a camera
 CFramebufferA wrapper class for creating and using FBOs
 CFreecameraFree camera class for manipulating a camera
 CManipulatorClass for object manipulator
 CMeshA common Mesh, usually containing triagles or points
 CModelHolder for any kind of model, such as meshes, point clouds, surfaces ... that should inherit the model class
 CPathPath class, defines control points and a cubic Bezier approximation for defining a smooth path from key frames
 CQtFlycameraWidgetA widget with a trackball iteration for a single mesh and a single light source. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using Tucano this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CQtFreecameraWidgetA widget with a free camera. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using Tucano this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CQtGlewFlycameraInitializerThis class is just to make sure that GLEW is initialized before anything else, so the constructor of this class is called before the QtFlycameraWidget constructor
 CQtGlewInitializerThis class is just to make sure that GLEW is initialized before anything else, so the constructor of this class is called before the QtTrackballWidget constructor
 CQtPlainWidgetA plain QtWidget
 CQtTrackballWidgetA widget with a trackball iteration for a single mesh and a single light source. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using ShaderLib this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CRotationManipulatorManipulator for rotating a mesh It works as a spherical manipulator (such as a trackball) or a ring manipulator (one axis at a time) separate Spherical and Ring manipulators
 CShaderA Shader object represents one GLSL program
 CShaderStorageBufferFloatThe buffer object of thype ShaderStorageBuffer with Float elements
 CShaderStorageBufferIntThe buffer object of thype ShaderStorageBuffer with Integer elements
 CTextureAn OpenGL texture. It can be a simple texture or an FBO texture
 CTextureManagerSingleton class that manages texture unit allocation
 CTrackballTrackball class for manipulating a camera
 CTranslationManipulatorMainpulator for translating a mesh
 CVertexAttributeA vertex attribute of a mesh