Tucano  0.1
A library for rapid prototyping with modern OpenGL and GLSL
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CTucano::GUI::BaseBase class for GUI, contains all elements and handles viewport and rendering transformations
 CTucano::BufferObject< T >A buffer object (i.e. ShaderStorageBuffer)
 CTucano::BufferObject< GLfloat >
 CTucano::ShaderStorageBufferFloatThe buffer object of thype ShaderStorageBuffer with Float elements
 CTucano::BufferObject< GLint >
 CTucano::ShaderStorageBufferIntThe buffer object of thype ShaderStorageBuffer with Integer elements
 CTucano::BufferObject< GLuint >
 CTucano::AtomicBufferAn Atomic Buffer object (inherited from BufferObject)
 CTucano::CameraDefines an abstract camera with a projection and view matrices
 CTucano::FlycameraFlythrough camera class for manipulating a camera
 CTucano::FreecameraFree camera class for manipulating a camera
 CTucano::PathPath class, defines control points and a cubic Bezier approximation for defining a smooth path from key frames
 CTucano::TrackballTrackball class for manipulating a camera
 CTucano::DirectionalTrackballA directional trackball, useful for light direction for example
 CTucano::ManipulatorClass for object manipulator
 CTucano::RotationManipulatorManipulator for rotating a mesh It works as a spherical manipulator (such as a trackball) or a ring manipulator (one axis at a time) separate Spherical and Ring manipulators
 CTucano::TranslationManipulatorMainpulator for translating a mesh
 CTucano::EffectHolder for Shaders. It is completely optional, but is contains a few methods for convenience, and is extremely useful to organize shaders belonging to a single effect (such as multipass strategies)
 CTucano::Effects::BlurredNormalMapRenders a mesh using a normal map as colors
 CTucano::Effects::DirectColorRenders a mesh without illumination, using directly vertex color
 CTucano::Effects::GradientFilterA simple Sobel filter for image processing
 CTucano::Effects::MeanFilterA simple mean filter for image processing
 CTucano::Effects::NormalMapRenders a mesh using a normal map as colors
 CTucano::Effects::OrenNayarRenders a mesh using a Oren-Nayar BRDF shader
 CTucano::Effects::PhongRenders a mesh using a Phong shader
 CTucano::Effects::PhongShadowmapRenders a mesh using a Phong shader and a shadow map
 CTucano::Effects::PickingPicks a 3D position from screen position
 CTucano::Effects::RenderBufferA simple effect to render a buffer without any interpolation
 CTucano::Effects::RenderTextureA simple effect to render a texture
 CTucano::Effects::ToonRenders a mesh using a Toon shader
 CTucano::Effects::WireframeRenders a mesh with wireframe edges and flat faces in a single pass
 CTucano::GUI::ElementBase class for all GUI elements (buttons, sliders ...)
 CTucano::GUI::ButtonThe button class draws a clickable rectangle on the screen to be used as a callback interface
 CTucano::GUI::GroupBoxThe gui group box is just a placeholder for other gui elements. It can be used to group elements, so they can be moved or hidden together for example Visually it is also a protected clickable area, to avoid mis-clicking the elements
 CTucano::GUI::LabelA simple label to hold text or similar it has no callbacks, it is just a placeholder for rendering a texture
 CTucano::GUI::SelectButtonThe button class draws a clickable rectangle on the screen to be used as a callback interface The select button toggles between pressed and not pressed when clicked
 CTucano::GUI::SelectGroupThe gui select group is a placeholder for many selection buttons, so only one can be active at a time Note, to visually group the buttons, you can use a groupbox and insert the selectgroup into the groupbox
 CTucano::GUI::SliderThe slide class draws a dragable cursor over a bar
 CTucano::FramebufferA wrapper class for creating and using FBOs
 CTucano::ModelHolder for any kind of model, such as meshes, point clouds, surfaces ... that should inherit the model class
 CTucano::MeshA common Mesh, usually containing triagles or points
 CTucano::Shapes::ArrowA rounded arrow shape defined by a arrow and a cone
 CTucano::Shapes::BoxA simple box with bounded limits
 CTucano::Shapes::CameraRepCamera visual representation
 CTucano::Shapes::ConeA simple cone shape
 CTucano::Shapes::CylinderA simple cylinder shape
 CTucano::Shapes::PlaneA simple plane with bounded limits
 CTucano::Shapes::QuadA simple unitary quad
 CTucano::Shapes::SphereA simple sphere shape
 CTucano::Shapes::CoordinateAxesVisual representation of a 3D coordinate axes
 CTucano::QtGlewFlycameraInitializerThis class is just to make sure that GLEW is initialized before anything else, so the constructor of this class is called before the QtFlycameraWidget constructor
 CTucano::QtFlycameraWidgetA widget with a trackball iteration for a single mesh and a single light source. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using Tucano this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CTucano::QtFreecameraWidgetA widget with a free camera. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using Tucano this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CTucano::QtGlewInitializerThis class is just to make sure that GLEW is initialized before anything else, so the constructor of this class is called before the QtTrackballWidget constructor
 CTucano::QtTrackballWidgetA widget with a trackball iteration for a single mesh and a single light source. Extends QGLWidget class to include common methods for using ShaderLib this widget already has a default camera and light trackball and associated mouse methods
 CTucano::QtPlainWidgetA plain QtWidget
 CTucano::ShaderA Shader object represents one GLSL program
 CTucano::TextureAn OpenGL texture. It can be a simple texture or an FBO texture
 CTucano::TextureManagerSingleton class that manages texture unit allocation
 CTucano::VertexAttributeA vertex attribute of a mesh