Interested in joining LCG?
The Systems and Computer Engineering Program (PESC) at UFRJ, is a research institute and graduate school. We accept candidates for the Masters and PhD programs on a regular basis (thrice a year for PhD, and twice a year for Masters).
a solid mathematics base, specially Linear Algebra and basic Calculus, and good programming skills. If you already know specific libraries such as OpenGL even better, but it is not mandatory. We offer introductory courses on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Even more important, you need to be ready to dedicate a considerable amount of time to carry out your research. For this reason we do not accept part-time candidates, with notably rare exceptions.
For more information check out the PESC webpage. For details about the admission process go to this page. Note that the application system is Portuguese only, but we hope to have an English version soon (in the meanwhile, contact us if you need any help with the language).
If you have specific questions about the admission process, or would like to know more about the graduate programs at LCG, send an email to prof. Marroquim, or to one of the lab's professors.
If you would like to spend some research time at LCG, please contact prof. Marroquim, or one of the lab's professors.
We usually receive undergraduates at LCG in two situations: those wishing to be advised on their Final Projects by one of the Lab's professors, or those seeking IC (research internship). In any case, contact one of the lab's professors if you are interested.